The 'CLIQUE' 1 at Benny & Betty's

Dear Special Friends

Thank you all for your wonderful company at our home on Saturday 14th June 2014 and equally wish to thank you for all your wonderful gifts.

We were certainly lucky with the  good weather being able to enjoy a few drinks and eats in the garden which was highlighted with CHAMPAGNE kindly provided by Denzyl and Pam.

I managed to enclose a few photographs taken at random and without letting anyone know, as such I may not have captured everyone and some pics may not be very clear. This is just a token of remembrance for Betty and myself of our special get-together with our special Clique where we always have great fun and laughter.

Pity Joe & Louise were not able to join us as they are still in Croatia but we will be meeting up with them on Saturday 28th June where Hillary and Peter will also be joining us as we six will all be going to Zanzibar end of October 2014 for two weeks holiday staying at NEPTUNES 5 Star all inclusive.

It would be wonderful if all our team could be on holiday together but being a last moment plan with short notice to all, this has not been possible but will plan for 2015. I am pleased great interest is shown by our team to visit the island next year.  (Neptunes have already promised me a special deal for all our friends visiting Paradise Island Zanzibar next year). I will not fail to bring back photographs and video clips for you to view especially those who have never visited Zanzibar, a dream Island.

Thanking you all once again for your lovely company and lovely gifts.

Benny & Betty 


Dr. Betty - I guess giving medical advice. Make up your mind time.
Your flight and accommodation reserved for our trip to Zanzibar.

 SUKI has certainly found a new good friend.
We were surprised to see Suki jump onto Kay's lap and not move. 

 Thank You Denzyl for kindly bringing your guitar & super new mini amp.
Your solo performance was enjoyed by all. Betty could not get over all the wonderful sounds you produced.

 Allan thanks for bringing your guitar.
Your magic touch with the guitar has not been lost. Keep it up.

It was fun with the 3 EVERLEY BROTHERS, sorry, meant
3 ELDERLY BROTHERS making music.
I think before I completely retire, we 3 must make a recording.
We have many years of good time playing and entertaining so a final DVD/CD will be rememberance of all our fun making music!!!